Dear Candidates we are provide Assam AEGCL Assistant Manager Previous Question Papers for AEGCL Assistant Manager (AM), Junior Manager (JM) PDF with Answer Sheet mentioned below the page. Assam AEGCL Assistant Manager Previous Year Question Papers get read and then get great score your written Examination hall. Assam AEGCL Assistant Manager Sample Papers for PDF and Assam AEGCL Assistant Manager Model Answer Sheet in following our page mentioned our team. Dear aspirants are you searching for Assam AEGCL Assistant Manager Answer Key & Result mentioned below the page. Assam AEGCL Assistant Manager Syllabus and Test Pattern get Here. Refer AEGCL APGCL Assistant Manager Solved Papers & APDCL Junior Manager Group B Sample Papers for free. For more updates visit the official website.
Assam AEGCL Assistant Manager 2023 AM, JM Sample Papers
- 1 Method of Process
- 2 Assam AEGCL Assistant Manager 2023 Recruitment Details
- 3 Assam AEGCL Assistant Manager 2023 Syllabus
- 4 Preparation Notes or Study Materials
- 5 Interview
- 6 Examination/Viva-voce schedule/Call letters
- 7 Read Candidates for Important Instruction
Applicants you get great score for written examination take regular practice with your examination preparation and answer sheet get following the page. We are helping for your Assam AEGCL Assistant Manager 2023 Examination better score or marks. You will take Assam AEGCL Assistant Manager 2023 Test Pattern and Syllabus for PDF take a print or free download. Find the marks and your exam papers also available below. please check that is properly printed and not wrinkled or torn. If ii is defective get it replaced. The Roll Number this year will have ?(Seven) digits. Carefully fill in the roll number in the allotted space of the OMR sheet.
Method of Process
The Assam AEGCL Assistant Manager selection of the candidates shall be made on the basis of the Online Test/Written Examination and interview. The Assam AEGCL Assistant Manager 2023 Online Test/Written Examination will be conducted in English or Any Languages. All the eligible candidates who apply with the requisite fee and whose applications are received in time will be called for the Online test/ Written Examination, which will comprise the following.
- Online Test/ Written Examination
Note: Candidates should make self written notes to all related subjects with this your confidence will be more strong while appearing in written examination. Expert Supervision- Candidates can advice or supervision of experts while preparing of written examination and for our point of view it is very handy for all job seekers. While preparing for the written exam, these AEGCL Previous Papers plays a very important role. So all the applicants put more effort into the Assam AEGCL Previous Year Question Paper and get the secured score in the exam.
Assam AEGCL Assistant Manager 2023 Recruitment Details
Recruitment Board Name | Assam Electricity Grid Corporation Limited |
Category | Previous Papers |
Job Role | Assistant Manager, Junior Manager |
Examination Conducted Date | Updates Shortly |
Official Site | |
Application Format | Online |
Assam AEGCL Assistant Manager 2023 Syllabus
Assistant Manager
- Assam AEGCL Electrical
- Assam AEGCL Civil
- Assam AEGCL Mechanical
- Assam AEGCL Information Technology
- Assam AEGCL HR
- Assam AEGCL General Topics
Junior Manager
- Assam AEGCL Electrical
- Assam AEGCL Civil
- Assam AEGCL Mechanical
- Assam AEGCL Information Technology
- Assam AEGCL General Topics
How to Improve Study Time
Time is also main key to get success in any examination means if any written examination there is 50 questions to solve and maximum time is 1 hour than candidates must be prepared to solve your question paper according given time. For this candidates should practice daily to solve old question papers or practice set of questions daily in your preparation. The exam pattern for each post will differ so prepare according to your applied ones. Download Assam EGCL Syllabus 2023 in the form of pdf by hitting on the direct link given below.
The CBT mode of examination shall be of 100 marks as indicated below:
Category | Subject Name | Weightage | Marks | Time(Minutes) | Type of Exam |
Group – A (Assistant Manager) |
General English, General Aptitude& Emotional Intelligence, General Knowledge |
40 | 100 | 120 | Multiple Choice Questions |
Core Subject | 60 | ||||
Group – B (Junior Manager) |
General English, General Aptitude & Emotional Intelligence, General Knowledge |
40 | 100 | 120 | |
Core Subject | 60 |
Each question will carry 1 (one) mark for correct answer.
There will be negative marking of 0.25 (one-fourth) marks for wrong answer against each question.
CBT mode of examination will be held in a single shift for each of the post mentioned above. However, in case of multiple shifts of examination for the same post, different sets of question papers may be required to be set for the shifts.
It is quite possible that inspite of all efforts of maintaining equivalence among various sets of question papers, the difficulty level of these question papers administered in the shifts may not be exactly the same. In order to overcome such a situation, “Normalization procedure based on Percentile Score” will be used for ensuring that candidates are neither benefitted nor disadvantaged due to difficulty level of the question papers.
Certificate or Document Verification
- 10th / 12th School Certificate
- Mark Sheet from HSLC
- School Leaving Certificate
- Graduation Completed Certificate
- Caste Certificate or Religion Certificate
- Name or Photo ID Proof
- Aadhar Card and License
- Address Proof
- Extra Activities Participate Certificate
- Self-attested photocopies of Certificate
- Registration Certificate
- Experience Certificate
Assam AEGCL Assistant Manager 2023 Previous for PDF Model Papers
APDCL AM, JM English Model Papers
APGCL AM, JM Aptitude Sample Papers
AEGCL AM, JM General Knowledge Old Papers
Preparation Notes or Study Materials
Candidates should revision their all subjects in routine on daily basis preparation .Revision must be regularly of your all key words /formulas/chapters/concepts of every topics during the entire preparation of written examination.
Candidates should make self written notes to all related subjects with this your confidence will be more strong while appearing in written examination. Expert Supervision- Candidates can advice or supervision of experts while preparing of written examination and for our point of view it is very handy for all job seekers.
The candidates shortlisted through the CBT mode of examination will be called for document verification and viva voce of 18 marks for the post of Assistant Manager and Junior Manager. The detailed location and address for the viva voce will be informed to the shortlisted candidates in due course. The provisional selection list will be prepared based on the marks obtained in the CBT mode of examination and viva voce.
- Calculator, Mobile phone and any other electronic gadgets will not be allowed inside the examination
- Candidates resorting to any unfair practice(s) will simply be disqualified and appropriate action will be taken.
- No TA or DA will be admissible for the journey in connection with CBT mode of examination/viva voce.
Examination/Viva-voce schedule/Call letters
Candidates must have a valid e-Mail Id and Mobile Number, which should remain valid at least for next one year. All correspondence with candidates shall be done primarily through the registered e-Mail Id during the entire recruitment process. All information regarding examination schedule/admit card/ result of CBT mode of examination/viva-voce schedule/call letters/ intimation regarding provisional selection/final selection and any other relevant information related to the recruitment process shall be published in the web portal and/or through the registered e-Mail Id provided by the candidate at the time of registration.
Read Candidates for Important Instruction
Candidates Are Not Allowed To Carry Any Electronic/Mechanical Communication Device Including Mobile Phone, Bluetooth, Earphone, Tablet Etc. Calculators, Books, Scale Or Drawing Instruments Are Not Allowed Inside The Examination Hall. The Commission Shall Not Be Responsible For Safe Custody Of Mobile Phones Etc.
And As Such Will Have No Liability In Case Of Loss Or Damage. No candidate shall be permitted to leave the Examination Hall until an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination nor during the last 30 minutes of the allotted time without submitting the Booklets.
Answer Sheet: The Assam AEGCL Assistant Manager Candidate should hand over the OMR Answer Sheet personally to the Invigilator on duty before he/she leaves the Examination Hall. No candidate shall be allowed to go to Toilet / Urinal during the last 30 minutes of Examination. No candidate will be admitted to the Examination Hall 20 minutes after commencement of the examination. The candidate will be admitted to take the examination at the Centre specified in the Admission Certificate only and at no other Centre.
Assam AEGCL Assistant Manager 2023 Exam Previous Papers Download Procedure
First go to official site in
Then followed instruction and get details
Search your recruitment page or examination details
Log in your register page
The n Finally show on your Examination Model Papers Download
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