Dear Candidates TS SI Mains Result 2023 Declared TS Sub Inspector SI Mains Final Selection Date Released from Online. TS Sub Inspector SI Mains Result Date announced soon at official website. Aspirants our team provided TS Sub Inspector SI Mains Final Selection List Released Soon at our page at below. The website detailed for TS Sub Inspector SI Mains Cut off and Merit List also available below the page. The Exam had been Conducted in 2023. TS Sub Inspector SI Mains all the candidates who successfully registered themselves had given exam in various exam centers across India. Once the official released the TS Sub Inspector SI Mains Result 2023, we will update in this below page.
Keep visiting our page to check TS Sub Inspector SI Mains Recruitment 2023 latest details based on the official announcement. Exam was conducted in offline mode. TS Sub Inspector SI Mains is all set to release the TS Sub Inspector SI Mains Results 2023. Candidates who are searching for the Vijaya Bank Peon & Sweeper 2023 Results on various websites can get them on this page.
Written Examination Date –
- 0.1 Written Examination Date –
- 0.2 TS Sub Inspector SI Mains 2023 Answer key – Check Here
- 0.3 Method of Selection Procedure
- 0.4 TS Sub Inspector SI Mains 2023 TSLPRB Recruitment Details
- 0.5 TS Sub Inspector SI Mains 2023 Result Date
- 0.6 Certificate Verification
- 0.7 Syllabus for TS Sub Inspector SI Mains 2023
- 1 Physical Test
TS Sub Inspector SI Mains 2023 Answer key – Check Here
Method of Selection Procedure
The TS Sub Inspector SI Mains selection of the candidates shall be made on the basis of the Online Test/Written Examination and interview. The TS Sub Inspector SI Mains Online Test/Written Examination will be conducted in English or Any Languages. All the eligible candidates who apply with the requisite fee and whose applications are received in time will be called for the Online test/ Written Examination, which will comprise the following.
- Online Test/ Written Examination
Note: Write TS Sub Inspector SI Mains examination Papers very cool and Honestly get better score with your cut off marks. Before examination don’t fear and get wanted things for Pen, Pencil, Scale, and more materials don’t forget your mind.
TS Sub Inspector SI Mains 2023 TSLPRB Recruitment Details
Recruitment Board Name | Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board |
Category | Result |
Job Role | Sub Inspector |
Salary | 9560 – 18545 |
Application Fee | 50 – 150 |
Examination Conducted Date | |
Official Site | |
Application Last Date | |
Application Format | Online |
Notification | Get Here |
Vacancies No | Various Posts |
TS Sub Inspector SI Mains 2023 Result Date
Candidates will appear for the examination at an Examination Centre at his/her own risks and expenses and the TS Sub Inspector SI Mains Board will not be responsible for any injury or losses etc. of any nature. TS Sub Inspector SI Mains Result or Final Selection List 2023 Date released After 7 – 15 days for written examination.
Certificate Verification
In the TS Sub Inspector SI Mains examination hall, the call letter along with the candidate’s currently valid photo identity, in original, such as PAN Card/Passport/Driving Licence/Voter’s Card with photograph/Photo identity proof issued on original letter head by a Gazzetted Officer/People’s Representative or Identity Card issued by a recognised college/ University (valid in current year)/Aadhar card with a photograph/ Employee ID, should be submitted to the invigilator for verification.
Note: The TS Sub Inspector SI Mains candidate’s identity will be verified with respect to his/her details on the call letter and in the Attendance List. If identity of the candidate is in doubt the candidate will not be allowed to appear for the Online Examination.
- 10th / 12th School Certificate
- Mark Sheet from HSLC
- School Leaving Certificate
- Graduation Completed Certificate
- Caste Certificate or Religion Certificate
- Name or Photo ID Proof
- Aadhar Card and License
- Address Proof
- Extra Activities Participate Certificate
- Self-attested photocopies of Certificate
- Registration Certificate
- Experience Certificate
Syllabus for TS Sub Inspector SI Mains 2023
English Language
General Awareness
Intelligence Ability
Numerical Aptitude
Merit among Candidates who secure same Marks: When 2 (two) or more Candidates in a particular category obtain equal marks, preference will be given to the Candidate who was born earlier.
- i) For Post Code Nos. 11 and 14: 2% for Meritorious Sports Persons (MSP), 3% for NCC, 5% for Police Executive (PE), 1% for Police Ministerial (PM), 2% for Children of Police Personnel (CPP) and 2% for CDI
- ii) For Post Code Nos. 12 and 13: 2% for Meritorious Sports Persons (MSP), 3% for NCC, 7% for Police Executive (PE), 1% for Police Ministerial (PM), 2% for Children of Police Personnel (CPP) and 2% for CDI
iii) For Post Code No. 18: 5% for Children of Prisons Department Personnel (CJP)
The decision of the TSLPRB in all aspects pertaining to the Application and its acceptance or rejection as the case may be, conduct of Examination at all consequent stages culminating in the selection or otherwise of any Candidate shall be final in all respects. The TSLPRB also reserves the right to alter or modify time and conditions laid down in the Notification for conducting the recruitment at various stages up to selection, duly intimating details thereof to all concerned, as warranted by any unforeseen circumstances arising during the course of this recruitment process or as deemed necessary by the TSLPRB at any stage of the recruitment.
Physical Test
Candidates who qualify in the Final Written Examination have to produce in person the following documents in original along with one set of photocopies duly attested by a Gazetted Officer. The date(s) and place(s) will be informed in due course through a press release. Failure to produce the same will lead to rejection of the candidature and no additional time shall be given. Certificates to be produced are
Physical Measurements Test (PMT): Candidates who qualify in the above Preliminary Written Test have to undergo Physical Measurements Test and should meet the following requirements.
For the Post Code Nos. 11 to 15 & 17 (Men) –
Height: Must not be less than 167.6 cms
Chest: Must not be less than 86.3 cms round the chest on full inspiration with a minimum expansion of 5 cms
For the Post Code Nos. 11 & 12 (Women)
Height: Must not be less than 152.5 cms
For Post Code No. 18 (Men)
Height: Must not be less than 168 cms
Chest: Must not be less than 87 cms round the chest on full inspiration with a
minimum expansion of 5 cms
For the Post Code No. 19 (Women)
Height: Must not be less than 153 cms
Physical Efficiency Test (PET): Candidates who qualify in the above Physical Measurements Test will be required to undergo the following tests and qualify as specified below
For Post Code Nos. 11, 17 & 18 (Men): Candidates must qualify in any 3 (three) events out of the 5 (five) events of the Physical Efficiency Test as detailed below while qualification in 800 Metres Run is a must for all of them i.e., 800 metres run should be one of the 3 (three) or above events that they qualify in.
For Post Code Nos. 11 & 19 (Women): Candidates must qualify in any 2 (two) events out of the 3 (three) events of the Physical Efficiency Test as detailed below, while qualifying in 100 Metres Run is a must for all of them i.e., 100 Metres Run should be one of the 2 (two) or 3 (three) events that they qualify in.
Important Details
Description | Links |
TS Sub Inspector SI Mains Application | Get Here |
TS Sub Inspector SI Mains Official Notification for PDF | Get Here |
TS Sub Inspector SI Mains Official Website | Get Here |
TS Sub Inspector SI Mains Syllabus and Exam Pattern | Get Here |
TS Sub Inspector SI Mains Answer Key | Get Here |
TS Sub Inspector SI Mains Result | Get Here |
Latest Govt Jobs | Get Here |
Application Overview
The Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board invites Applications through ONLINE mode only in the prescribed proforma which will be made available on Website ( from 09-06-2018 to 30-06-2018 for Direct Recruitment to the following Posts